The Ford safety driving program, also known as ‘The Ford Driving Skills for Life’ campaign is all set to visit 30 high schools across the country in an attempt to educate teen drivers. This program will focus on a few key areas, such as: driver distraction, vehicle handling, speed space management and hazard recognition. These 4 areas account for more than 60% of the overall crashes that involve teen drivers.
Inexperience is one of the main causes of accidents and crashes amongst the teen driving population, and this program will provide these drivers with the right skills, knowledge and confidence to improve their safety when on the road.
Back in 2003, Ford teamed up with the Governors Highway Safety Association to establish the program. Although teen driving safety is of utmost importance, many of the communities today lack the resources that are required to conduct such high-tech, hands-on trainings. Fortunately, now that Ford has stepped in to fill the gaps, driver safety awareness should become the number 1 priority.
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