If you think you drive too much, then think again. A day in the life of a road warrior involves spending as much as 8 or more hours a day behind the wheel. A day in the life of a road warrior is also filled with tailgaters, road raged fellow drivers, speed demons and cut off artists.
To keep their car insurance rates low and to just stay safe, these road warriors have a number of ways to avoid crashes and tickets. Some of these tips include:
To keep their car insurance rates low and to just stay safe, these road warriors have a number of ways to avoid crashes and tickets. Some of these tips include:
- How to discourage Tailgaters: Tailgating is annoying as well as dangerous. It is a form of aggressive driving that has contributed to a great number of crashes. What’s more, it can also be very hard to see anything behind you when your rearview mirror is filled with the car behind you. Most road warriors tend to drive fairly fast but within the legal speed limits. To discourage tailgaters, these pros just simply slow down. So, take your foot off the accelerator and allow your vehicle to slow down until the car behind you starts to get impatient and overtakes you.
- How to Discourage Road Rage: Most road warriors will tell you that playing soothing music can help calm you down behind the wheel. So, create an “on the road” playlist on your iPod and never get behind the wheel without this music or some great CD’s that always make you feel happy. However, make sure you choose music that is appropriate and is no more than 145 beats per minute. Fast music can have the opposite effect on you and could get you excited, which in turn will build into road rage.
- How to Stay Alert: After a long day’s work, it can be very easy to get distracted behind the wheel. If this is the case, you can avoid getting distracted by not looking at one thing for too long. Keep moving your eyes and continually scan the road. You could also try meditating before you get behind the wheel. A clear mind can help greatly.
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