All of us know all the ways on saving money on general auto insurance. Avoid getting speeding tickets, stop engaging in risky driving practices are some of the factors we keep in mind before buying car insurance. Of course, there are other factors, too. Your age, gender, taking up a defensive driving course and comparing rates will all help you get cheap car insurance.
An innovative program has now been added to reduce your car insurance worries. Pay As You Go is a new program that will allow you to cut your insurance costs even more. A 2005 report reveals that a driver who drives more than 30,000 miles a year is twice more likely to file a bodily injury or a property damage claim than someone who drives only 5,000 miles a year. “The more you drive, the more likely you are to be involved in a collision”, is the whole concept. This is the primary reason why every company will ask you how many miles you drive on a regular basis before stating your insurance estimate.
This new program allows you to pay less for your auto insurance coverage if you drive only few miles in a year. Some kind of mileage verification will definitely have to be filed to ensure that the number of miles you claim to drive are accurate. But, at the same time, a precise measure of mileage helps you save a lot on insurance.
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