A serial drunk driver faces 2 consecutive ten year prison terms after being arrested twice recently. 54 year old Jack Mizer has pleaded guilty to 2 cases that involve 4 counts of felony of driving under the influence of alcohol.
These last 2 arrests were Mizer’s 8th and 9th DUI convictions in the last 20 years. Prosecutors have termed Mizer as one of the biggest threats to public safety within Maricopa County and have denounced his insistence to continuously drive while drinking.
These last 2 arrests were Mizer’s 8th and 9th DUI convictions in the last 20 years. Prosecutors have termed Mizer as one of the biggest threats to public safety within Maricopa County and have denounced his insistence to continuously drive while drinking.
Such repeat offenders are one of the biggest menaces to society and because of this; Mizer will be spending most of his life in jail. The state has also claimed that they will prosecute anyone else just as aggressively is they trifle with the law and disregard the safety of the citizens by drinking and driving.
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