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Facts and Myths about Senior Drivers

Facts and Myths about Senior Drivers
For senior drivers, driving becomes more and more difficult with cars becoming more complicated, roads becoming heavier and traffic rules changing all the time. However, the biggest problem they face is their bodily function which starts to reduce due to their advancing age.

To be a safe driver, you need specific physical abilities like sound hearing and vision, quick reaction time and strong memory which decline as we grow old but the rate of decline may differ from person to person.

According to statistics, senior drivers are prone to receiving traffic citations for going through red lights, failing to yield to traffic signs or turning improperly. The accident rate is also more in this age group and they are most likely to get seriously hurt or succumb to the injury.

However, if an adult driver has a healthy and safe driving habit from early on, they will mature into a careful senior driver. Habits are hard to die, so make sure you follow a safe driving habit.

It is also a good idea for senior drivers to undergo a driving assessment every now and then or after a few years once they cross 60. They can even refresh their defensive driving skills which will prove handy especially when they are in this age group.

A lot of organizations today offer defensive driving classes for senior citizens. You can enroll in one and refresh your driving etiquette.
