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The Complete Checklist for the Coming Winters

The Complete Checklist for the Coming Winters
It is that time of the year when you start thinking about winterizing your car. Bill Hume, Vice President of Hankook Tire Canada says, “With unpredictable weather conditions, Canadian winters are challenging for even the most seasoned motorists”. He believes that every driver should create a checklist in order to ensure safety.

Here are a few basic things that should be done to get your car safely through the winters:

  • Changing the oil: A thinner viscosity engine oil is required to lubricate engine parts in the colder conditions. The car's user manual can be consulted for the fluid recommendations.
  • Winter tires: There are these special tires that have an added groove capacity. This helps in dispelling all the extra snow which is stuck to the tire. Also, these winter tires are made of a softer compound which helps in providing additional traction.
  • Battery check: The change in temperature leads to an increase in power demand. The use of defrosters, windshield wipers and the heating systems can take a complete toll on your car battery.
  • Emergency kit: A winter survival kit is recommended by the Ministry of Transportation. The essential supplies like ice scraper, shovel, a traction aid like a shovel, flashlight, first aid kit, blanket and a spare winter tire.
It is also extremely vital to stay alert and in control. You should drive according to the highway and the weather conditions. Likewise, you should monitor the car's maintenance throughout the winters. It is important to start thinking about the car's mechanical maintenance long before the snow flakes start falling.
