There are drivers who don’t stop for red signals. They speed up so fast that they would change lanes loose a control on the brakes make hand gestures and threaten other drivers. The state of Georgia wants such people to notice that such dangerous antics are now being targeted with a heavy penalty.
The law enforcement officials say that aggressive or rash driving is dangerous when a large truck fully loaded is behind or ahead of rash driver. The fully loaded truck weighs over 80,000 pounds with a sizable advantage over passenger vehicles. In comparison to this a typical car weighs from around 4,000 to 5,000 pounds. When this two vehicles collide, the smaller vehicles will more likely be injured.
A survey by the National Highway Safety Administration revealed that three out of four people injured in accidents are from passenger vehicles. This is the reason that G-TACT act is being laid down on rash driving around heavy trucks. During the act, the law enforcement officers issued 444 citations and 330 warnings which would involve around 400 safety inspections of large trucks.
This act leaves a message to drivers which would allow plenty of room for truck drivers to change the lenses. It would also reward smart, defensive driving much better than they arrive at destination before passing of the act.
Such an act would really prove helpful to people who don’t drive rash and get caught with accidents for such drivers.
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