There is a four mandatory program which is required for defensive drivers of Gaffney. This program is being introduced by school district people in cooperation with National Safety Council. Their goal is to establish and achieve student driver behavior modification which would save up lives of people.
The drivers who are in age group of 15-24 years are eligible for one day classroom sessions. One of the officials of this course said that they want to help young drivers making decisions which would result from texting on cell phones which are being distracted by passengers, speeding, substance abuse and other reasons.
The national statistics are a result which shows that vehicle crashes are leading cause of death in age group of 18-24 years of age. Out of which around 50% of death are alcohol related which is causing havoc all round the state.
One of schools in Carolina implemented this program due to high number of death. Due to the implementation of this course the death toll has reduced to a large number.
On enrolling into district driver’s education program the parents of the young drivers realize a sign of relief as their insurance premiums would get reduced with 2 major insurance companies.
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