South African roads have become increasingly hazardous, what with the numbers of road deaths and mishaps increasing rapidly. Drivers are being urged to exercise more caution and to use the roads responsibly.
Records have shown that from the start of December, the fatalities numbered at nearly 860 as compared to last year’s 717. According to the Ministry of Transport, this death toll has risen because of drivers who do not behave responsibly. Several drivers were found to be driving at alarmingly high speeds, ignoring the fact that in case of an accident, they would be responsible for multiple deaths.
Records have shown that from the start of December, the fatalities numbered at nearly 860 as compared to last year’s 717. According to the Ministry of Transport, this death toll has risen because of drivers who do not behave responsibly. Several drivers were found to be driving at alarmingly high speeds, ignoring the fact that in case of an accident, they would be responsible for multiple deaths.
Many accidents take place because drivers disobey the traffic rules. Drivers are being appealed to exercise patience and abide by the rules. Mr. Collins Letsoalo, the CEO of the Road Traffic Management Corporation, has stated that defensive driving is really about being ready for anything on the roads. Expecting the unexpected and always being ready for other’s mistakes can save your lives.
Defensive driving is all about concentrating on your driving task. If anything pulls your attention away from the driving task at hand, like a cell phone or a book or the radio, then it can take away your skills as a good defensive driver and can even lead to fatal accidents.
Today, there are many defensive driving classes found offline as well as online in the United States. Efforts should be made to spread these classes across the globe. Defensive driving should be a global effort, as well as an individual one.
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