Do you know more than the drivers getting injured in any road accident, it is the bystanders who are mostly hit by cars. Millions of people are killed in road accidents every year and most of the victims are not the drivers but bystanders. There are numerous cases of accidents where people get injured or die when they are struck by moving vehicles.
This is a serious yet neglected issue we face today. Especially when the weather is getting cold and roads become icy, the accident rate concerning bystanders can increase manifold.
This is a serious yet neglected issue we face today. Especially when the weather is getting cold and roads become icy, the accident rate concerning bystanders can increase manifold.
However, we cannot say that only the drivers should take extra care while driving on the road, people walking around should also be careful enough. Cars skidding or sliding are common during winter season. Drivers must drive around busy roads with extra care. Riding fast on icy roads or busy streets must be avoided. It will be of great help if drivers could learn how to drive defensively. Since, you never know what will happen next, you can at least know how to avoid or control the situation.
Defensive driving courses can be taken online these days. Drivers can learn how to drive defensively in any condition. Learning or acquiring the defensive driving skills can help them avoid taking lives and save theirs as well.
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