Now, parents will have some reason to celebrate as a recent report shows that over the past few years, the number of teenage drivers in fatal accidents fell more than one third. Even though car accidents still hold the number one cause of death for teenagers with 8 deaths occurring on an average day on American roads.
This drop in the accident chart can be credited to the parents. Parents are encouraging their teens to practice safety in their driving. Every parent must influence the habit of safe driving within their children.
Some the practical steps that they can easily implement are:
1.Extend the supervised driving periods of their teens beyond the legal age to assess the skills and reactions fully.
2.Explain and reinforce the rules of the road clearly.
3.Create parent-teen agreements to hold teen drivers accountable to expectations.
Car crashes are four times higher in teens than their elders and the likelihood of accidents are more when teens are behind the wheel.
Parents can influence better driving habits within young drivers and play a key role in shaping a teen’s driving habits. All they have to do is follow a safe driving habit themselves. Children tend to follow what their parents do and they do observe everything you do. Sharing common sense and other logical tips with children about the risks of cell phones, speeding & tailgating, drinking & driving, use of drugs and the importance of seat belts is extremely important.
Repeating the advice can be just as important as acquiring skills about defensive driving. No one hopes to receive a late night call with devastating news of catastrophic injuries, so why not start instilling good habits in your children?
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