The Mid Ohio School and keybank in support with Kumho Tires has been innovated the idea to offer a “key to safe driving” a free program for teens which gives temporary learner’s permit or driver’s license.
This program will be a condensed version of The Mid Ohio School’s popular defensive driving program wherein upto 100 students will get knowledge about classroom instructions and the chance to practice emergency lane change in the vehicles watchful eyes. The main highlight for day students would be to drive Honda car, which simulates driving in worst situations along with hands-on experience for distracted driving.
This program will be a condensed version of The Mid Ohio School’s popular defensive driving program wherein upto 100 students will get knowledge about classroom instructions and the chance to practice emergency lane change in the vehicles watchful eyes. The main highlight for day students would be to drive Honda car, which simulates driving in worst situations along with hands-on experience for distracted driving.
Depending on the profession the average time to get coached on driving would differ. The key to the course is that it will provide teen drivers additional skills which aren’t taught in regular driving training programs. The skills taught in Honda Teen Defensive Driving Program acts as a preventive measure to the inexperienced driver.
In this program the participants would be divided into 4 groups, with check-in for first 25 students. This program will be followed by three lunches, refreshments and the opportunity to win a gift certificate from the Mid Ohio School.
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