In spite of her busy schedule as a vocational nursing student at the Angelina College, Jessica Johnson has volunteered to become a designated driver, available to anyone, at anytime. This comes after the death of her best friend, Zayne Anthony, in a freak drunk driving accident in February. Jessica has volunteered to start a designated driving program for all Lufkin residents who need a ride home after having a couple of drinks.
Jessica knows at least 5 people who have died due to drunk driving. In an effort to promote her campaign, Jessica has even bought herself a cell phone and has started distributing fliers about her “Last Call” program, where anyone who has had too much to drink can call her and get a free ride home.
If more people could be as responsible as Jessica, the roads would be a safer place to drive in. Fortunately, there are plenty of defensive driving campaigns that teach drivers how to drive responsibly.
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