A lot of citizens are of the belief that the distracted driving laws carried out by the state government are going a wee bit too far. A lot of people feel that this is management at its worst! Where will it end? People with children feel that the biggest distraction when driving is their kid, so should their kids be outlawed? Should taking pickles off your burger be banned? Should texting while at a red light also be banned?
The law maintains that any motor vehicle driver should devote all of his time and attention to driving and should refrain from any kind of activity that could cause distractions. A lot of people have been complaining about these laws and want to know how to identify a specific distraction.
Many drivers are calling out for a little more common sense as far as legal restrictions are concerned. Yes drivers tend to eat, talk to passengers. Change CD’s and deal with misbehaving children. Laws should take this into consideration before coming up with restrictions.
What does the law have to say about this?
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