Sioux Falls is now building its second roundabout on 69th Street and Southeastern Avenue. This circular intersection is a relatively new concept for most of the traffic engineers in town. The recent success of the first roundabout has led to plans of building a second one.
The first roundabout on Career Avenue has the University Center surrounding it and was a fairly new concept for the city. But it has also taken off fairly well. And this is why city engineers have decided that it is time for another one. This move has led to a fairly favorable response from the city resident and the next roundabout to come up will be in a more residential setting.
The first roundabout on Career Avenue has the University Center surrounding it and was a fairly new concept for the city. But it has also taken off fairly well. And this is why city engineers have decided that it is time for another one. This move has led to a fairly favorable response from the city resident and the next roundabout to come up will be in a more residential setting.
However, intersection safety is a very important topic to cover. The safety council in the city will talk about intersection safety and roundabouts in its defensive driving classes. A roundabout is nothing more than just a circular intersection but it is important to pay careful attention to the road signs and pavement markings. This way, vehicles can actually be kept moving instead of making them stop at red lights. This reduces the crash rates in a more efficient manner.
Injuries due to crashes have been reduced by nearly 70% with roundabouts instead of traditional intersections. Deaths have almost been eliminated. As long as drivers obey and stick to the signs and use their blinkers when turning out of the intersection, everything will run smoothly.
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