Pay heed to this! It is very important to retain your defensive driving skills, as a little slip can lead to heavy losses – in terms of life and property. With the winter still going on strong, a lot of accidents have occurred due to icy roads and inhospitable weather.
On Monday, January 24, the Minnesota State Troopers in the west central and northern regions once again started the week with poor visibility and icy roads.
On Monday, January 24, the Minnesota State Troopers in the west central and northern regions once again started the week with poor visibility and icy roads.
Reports have shown that those motorists who have been driving too fast in spite of the poor conditions have led to more than their fair share of accidents. 52 vehicles have slid off the road according to reports sent by the State Patrol.
What’s more, troopers have also reportedly responded to an additional 21 crashes out which 14 were rollovers and 3 involved serious injuries. With such accidents taking place as recently as the start of this week, it is no wonder why defensive driving classes are becoming increasingly essential.
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