Make America’s roads safer by joining the defensive driving and advanced driving courses that are soon coming to Malibu/Hollywood by the end of February.
If you think that defensive driving courses are all boring, then it is time for something new! Back in the days prior to WWII, the British Government found that police officers were driving too fast when pursuing culprits or were involved in many rash driving cases where innocent people were either injured or killed. As a result of this, the world’s best road-driver training program was born!
If you think that defensive driving courses are all boring, then it is time for something new! Back in the days prior to WWII, the British Government found that police officers were driving too fast when pursuing culprits or were involved in many rash driving cases where innocent people were either injured or killed. As a result of this, the world’s best road-driver training program was born!
Known as the “System of Car Control”, this course is a one of a kind program that is regularly taught to the British police and traffic patrol officers and they now enjoy the reputation of the best drivers in the world. This particular course was made available to the civilians back in 1955 and was brought to the United States in 1999, where it was adapted for all North American Drivers.
The President of Advanced Drivers of America, Eddie Wren, was a former UK traffic patrol officer and has said that police officers are required to drive at extremely high speeds on public roads at time, and this required a lot of planning, concentration and responsibility on the part of the officers so as to avoid crashes and causing danger to people. Good driving isn’t only about acquiring a few skills. It is all about having the right kind of attitude and anticipation. Many defensive driving courses churn out drivers who are over confident, which can be deadly in the long run. Taking all of this into consideration, ADA will be conducting this defensive driving course over a period of 2 days.
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