Arguments have been doing the rounds with regards to hefty traffic fines being doled out. Should traffic police be issuing $150 warning tickets to speeding or careless drivers, protecting them from high insurance claims while at the same time fattening the government’s wallet?
A proposal in the Legislature can possibly change state traffic laws, sparking friction amongst towns, counties and law enforcement agencies with drivers. A bill in the House of Representatives might allow police officers to write warning tickets to careless drivers and speedsters. The point behind this is the driver would not suffer points on his driving record, which would otherwise raise his insurance premiums. And, it would also enable the cash-strapped government to split the take.
A proposal in the Legislature can possibly change state traffic laws, sparking friction amongst towns, counties and law enforcement agencies with drivers. A bill in the House of Representatives might allow police officers to write warning tickets to careless drivers and speedsters. The point behind this is the driver would not suffer points on his driving record, which would otherwise raise his insurance premiums. And, it would also enable the cash-strapped government to split the take.
If passed through, this new law could raise a lot of money for the state as well as its cities and towns.
Careless driving laws became immensely popular in the 80’s, where drivers could plead to the local charge and pay a much higher fine but save their points by not having these fines reported.
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