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Child Safety Seat Requirements for Drivers

Child Safety Seat Requirements for Drivers
In response to the AAP car seat recommendations, the NHTSA or the National Highway Safety Administration has now revised their child safety seat regulations as well. These new child safety seat guidelines can be a bit confusing for some parents.

The NHTSA has started using an age-based system, which are based on age categories. The categories are:

  • New Born to 12 months: A rear facing car seat.

  • 1 to 3 years of age: A rear facing car seat for as long as you can, and then a forward facing seat with a harness.

  • 4 to 7 years of age: A forward facing seat with a harness for as long as you can, and then a booster seat.

  • 8 to 12 years of age: A booster seat for as long as you can, and then a seatbelt when the child is ready for it.

  • All children are recommended to stay in the back seat up until the age of 12.
